57th California International Antiquarian Book Fair 2025
We have been established since the beginning of the 2000s in Saint-Briac-sur-mer, a stone's throw from the ramparts of the corsair city of Saint-Malo. The bookshop specializes in rare books and manuscripts from
the 15th to the 20th century that we display all around the world in international book fairs (Boston, New York, London, Paris, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Amsterdam, Hong-Kong, Brussels...).
With a predilection for travel and maritime books, the bookshop's holdings consist of the great texts of travel literature to America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Egypt, Europe, the Mediterranean, Oceania and the Pacific; as well as the great voyages of scientific exploration: circumnavigation of the 18th and 19th centuries. An often richly illustrated literature which was the subject of extraordinary publications.
In the maritime field, we offer books touching upon all facets of this rich subject: the glorious French naval history, with a particular interest in the American War of Independence, as well as more technical books: rare treatises on the science of navigation, tactics, architecture, etc. Inseparable from navigation and travel, we are also specialized in atlases and nautical charts. In addition to theses subjects, we hold a science and technology section and we also offer exceptional bindings and curiosities
as well as miniature books from all eras. In addition to printed reference books, we present rare and curious printed or handwritten manuscripts: collections of maps, portulans, logbooks and illustrated travel diaries. These documents, for the most unknown to historians.
We strive to present books in contemporary bindings and in good conditions. In accordance with the rules of SLAM and LILA, all our works are collated and conform to the best bibliographies and we guarantee that the books are as described.